Vanishree Venugopal
4 min readJan 2, 2021


(Book Review) IKIGAI: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

The International bestseller.

Very First, I thank my friend Jayashree, who presented this book as my birthday gift, and Balakumar,- another friend, who seeded the idea to write a review for this book, Obviously, after completing this book, can’t resist sharing my views on this book.

Without any further delay, let's dive into the review of IKIGAI: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life book, written by Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles

An interesting book with 194 pages. As the name defines, this book discloses the secrets of Japan’s centenarians and techniques to find our own Ikigai, because the author states that, those who discover their Ikigai have everything they need for a long and joyful journey through life.

IKIGAI: A Mysterious Word
This book came into being when the authors were curious to find the answer to the question ‘what is the secret behind the count of centenarians is more on the Island of Okinawa in Japan than the rest of the world (ie., there 24.5 inhabitants of age more 100 for every 1,00,000 people)?’

During this research, they found one of the key answers to the above question is Ikigai, a concept inhabitant of the island was inspired to stay active until the very end.

Based on a diagram by Mark Winn.

The literal translation of ‘IKIGAI’ is ‘Reason to live’. This Japanese concept not only defines ‘the happiness of always being busy’ is like Logotherapy but goes a step beyond. In short, it can be specified as ‘the Reason we get up in the morning ’ In other words, it can be defined as an ‘Art of Youthful aging’.

IKIGAI — The Art of Staying Young While Growing Old

“Woman sitting on Swing” by Official on Unsplash

The book teaches the art of staying young while growing old with the help of tips/tricks and some of them are:

  1. Whatever you do, don’t retire — Do everything with satisfaction.
  2. The island of(almost) eternal youth — Blue Zones, geographic regions where people live longest. Also, interesting facts about the inhabitants over there.
  3. The 80 percent secret — Fill your belly to 80%
  4. Moai — Informal group of people with common interests, the group member’s contribution to the group, and how it maintains emotional and financial stability.
  5. Aging’s escape velocity
  6. Active mind, youthful body
  7. Stress Management
  8. Finding the flow in everything we do

The Search For Purpose
One of the key factors for living longer and better is by finding the purpose of our life.

“Magnifying Lens” by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

This book helps us to find our Life’s purpose with some techniques and make it even easier with its case study. The techniques are:

Morita Therapy
Naikan Meditation

The authors also disclosed the interview that they had with the Centenarians, Ogmi’s lifestyle, their diet, and their exercise to promote health & longevity.

Graphical Representation.

Resilience and Wabi-Sabi
This chapter helps us to face life’s challenges without letting stress. Some of the key points are:
1. Fall seven times, rise eight.
2. Meditating for healthier emotions.
3. The here and now, and the impermanence of things.
4. Wabi-Sabi & Ichi-go Ichi-e → Shows us the beauty of the fleeting, changeable, and imperfect nature. Accept & Admire as they are.
5. Beyond Resilience: Antifragility and steps to achieve how can be antifragile.

My Favorite Takeaways
Some of the most favorite lines and tips from this book are:
1.Have a clear, concrete objective
2. Never start or end your day with screens(Mobile/Laptop/TV screens).
2. At least make a day in a week a Tech-free day.
3. Add a pinch of enthusiasm before starting any work.
4. Chunk the work and have a proper break.

Loved this book! feeling more motivated and inspired with its crystal idea to make even our small routines an interesting one, which inturns revealed the secret to have a long and Happy Life.

Concluding my views with 2 golden lines:
Happiness is always determined by our Heart!
Only staying active will make us want to live a hundred years!

Start the process of finding your own Ikigai, by just clicking the link!


